Type 3
The watercourse is generally with a low or no gradient and has mainly fine grain size. The water is fresh and turbid. The environment is potentially forested with a partial or total connection of riparian areas (not seen). The width of the watercourse is narrow, with slightly sloping banks bordered by occasional flood plains.
Connection of riparian areas (if intact): partial or total
Altitude: <50 m
Watercourse width (low): <10 m
Grain size (banks and bed): Fine
Gradient: Nil or low (1.3%)
Usually slow
Banks: present or not, sometimes floodable; slightly steep: 5 ° (2-12 °)
<1 g/L
Ten-year daily rainfall: 154 à 194 mm
Tree species: Zanthoxylum flavum, Ceiba pentandra, Cordia sulcata, Ficus citrifolia, Citharexylum spinosum, Cecropia schreberiana, Terminalia catappa, Cocos nucifera, Bambusa vulgaris, Gliricidia sepium, Leucaena leucocephala. Shrub species: Piper dilatatum, Mimosa pigra, Solanum bahamense. Herbaceous species: Ludwigia hyssopifolia, Commelina diffusa, Hymenachne amplexicaulis, Rhynchospora corymbosa, Cyperus rotundus, Steinchisma laxum, Echinochloa pyramidalis, Cyperus sp.