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Species that can be used in bioengineering

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As part of phase 1 financed by the Guadeloupe Water Office, La Déal, the Guadeloupe Region and the Guadeloupe National Park. 80 species present in a natural environment along a river were pre-selected by the group: National Forestry Office, BRGM and the TAUARI design office. During phase 2, the project team tested the characteristics, mechanical properties and reproductive capacities of around forty species out of these 80 pre-selected and potentially usable in plant engineering. The results are presented in our research work.
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Particular attention was paid to the indigenous nature of the species studied, with a view to protecting Guadeloupe's rich natural plant heritage.

The species considered are also representative of all types of species (trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants), and are present at different levels of vegetation (wetland, coastal forest, etc.).


Kajou wouj, Kajou santi, kajou amè, kajou bwa, kajou péyi, kajou mèb

Cedrela odorata

See document

Kamitier-bois, Bois de Bouis

Chrysophyllum argenteum

See document

Maho gran fèy, Mahot grande feuille

Cordia sulcata

See document

Pwa dou rivyè, Pois doux petites feuilles

Inga Laurina

See document

Mang rivyè, Mangle médaille

Pterocarpus officinalis

See document


Foujè bata, Fougère bâtard

Phyllanthus mimosoides

See document

Doctor bush (Anglais) / Ké (a) rat OU Bwa chandèl (Créole)

Piper dussii

See document

Herbaceous plants

Tabac-boeuf (Réunion) / Bonbon blé (Créole)

Clidemia hirta

See document

Zèb ké (a) rat, Trompetilla

Hymenachne amplexicaulis

See document

Jiwòf dlo, jiwòf ma, gran jiwòf ma, gran zèb a pik, gran iwonflé, jéwonflé

Ludwigia octovalvis

See document

Source: Gayot, M., Procopio, L., Conjard S., Boulange E., Bernus J. (2018). Etude de la typologie des ripisylves de Guadeloupe et proposition d'espèces utilisables en génie végétal sur les berges; volume i: rapport d'étude. Office National des Forêts. Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe. 106p. (Study of the typology of Guadeloupe riparian areas and proposal of species usable in bioengineering on riverbanks; volume i: study report. National Forestry Office. Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe. 106p.)
