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Logo L'Europe s'engage en Guadeloupe avec le Feder.


Type 1

Salinity: (>1g/L)
Altitude: <5 m
Width of the watercourse (bottom width):  Variable
Current: Usually slow


The watercourse has zero gradient and elevation, has fine grain size, and the water is brackish, often turbid. The environment is forested. The connection of riparian areas, the width of the watercourse or the presence of banks are variable. The presence of mangroves is indicative. Type absent from the leeward coast and south of Goyave.


Connection of riparian areas (if intact):  Zero to total

Altitude: <5 m

Watercourse width (low): Variable

Grain size (banks and bed): Fine

Gradient: No or low gradient (0 to 1%)

Usually slow

Banks:  Present or not, often floodable, average gradient 7.5 ° (0-45 °)


Ten-year daily rainfall: 151 to 153 mm

Sampled stations

  • Canal des Rotours (downstream; midstream)
  • Rivière de Viard (downstream)

species observed

Tree species: Rhizophora mangle, Laguncularia racemosa. Top of bank: Ficus citrifolia, Hymenaea courbaril, Ceiba pentandra, Margaritaria nobilis, Cocos nucifera, Terminalia catappa.

Shrub species: Acrostichum spp., Pachystachys spicata.

Herbaceous species: Steinchisma laxum.

underlined: bioengineering / restoration; in gray: species from degraded environments; *: species from somewhat xerophilic environment

Intact type

Degraded type

Intact profile

Learn more about the watercourses and riparian areas of Guadeloupe