Type 9
The watercourse has an average gradient, with coarse grain size, with the presence of numerous boulders. The water is fresh, generally lightly loaded. The watercourse is narrow enough that the tree crowns touch each other in places. The aggradations, if there are any, are coarse and little or not herbaceous (if the environment is intact). The environment is forested. The banks are not clear and are extended by the hillsides framing the very deep watercourse.
Connection of riparian areas (if intact): Partial
Altitude: <100 m
Watercourse width (low): >15 m
Grain size (banks and bed): Stones and, above all, boulders (rocks present)
Gradient: Average: 5.5% (1-14%)
Usually medium to fast
Banks: 38° (6°-90°)
<1 g/L
Ten-year daily rainfall: 157 to 235 mm
In meso- to hygrophilic zone:
Tree species : Chimarrhis cymosa, Sloanea dentata, Inga ingoides, Cordia sulcata, Ficus insipida, Sterculia caribaea, Cedrela odorata*, Tabebuia heterophylla*, Lonchocarpus punctatus*, Artocarpus altilis, Mangifera indica, Terminalia catappa, Theobroma cacao Shrub species : Piper dilatatum, Thelypteris reticulata, Clidemia hirta, Cyathea arborea, Asplundia rigida (>200 m), Pachystachys spicata, Ricinus communis, Dracanea fragrans Herbaceous species : Selaginella flabellata, Blechnum occidentale, Dieffenbachia seguine, Heliconia wagneriana, Commelina diffusa, Cenchrus purpureus, Tradescantia spathacea, Ipomaea tilacea