Type 8
The watercourse has an average gradient, with mainly coarse grain size, including many boulders and rocks; lava present). The water is fresh, limpid. The watercourse is wide, the riparian areas disjointed. The environment is not forested but already hygrophilous. The banks blend into the hillsides framing the watercourse, with fairly steep gradients.Note: type seen on a single station.
Connection of riparian areas (if intact): Total
Altitude: 125-300 m (ici : 230-235 m)
Watercourse width (low): >20 m
Grain size (banks and bed): Coarse, with boulders and rocks
Gradient: Average: 4% (1-8%)
Usually fast
Banks: 39° (20°-45°)
<1 g/L
Ten-year daily rainfall: 265 mm
Tree species : Inga ingoides, Dussia martinicensis, Sloanea dentata, Sterculia caribaea, Cecropia schreberiana, Ficus insipida, Cecropia schreberiana, Samanea saman. Shrub species : Piper dilatatum, Cyathea arborea, Piper hispidum, Clidemia umbrosa Herbaceous species : Thelypteris reticulata, Blechnum occidentale, Selaginella flabellata, Nephrolepis rivularis, Philodendron giganteum, Etlingera elatior, Syngonium podophyllum.