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Closed watercourse with a steep gradient

Type 10

Salinity: <1 g/L
Altitude: 125-300 m (ici 116-245 m)
Width of the watercourse (bottom width):  <10 m
Current: Very variable


The watercourse may be intermittent. It has a very steep gradient (>10%), with very coarse grain size, including many boulders and rocks). The water is fresh and lightly loaded. The watercourse is very narrow, under a continuous canopy with a totally forested environment. The banks merge into the gradients framing the watercourse, with steep gradients (deep watercourse). Type: only seen in xerophilic zone.


Connection of riparian areas (if intact):  Total

Altitude: 125-300 m (ici 116-245 m)

Watercourse width (low): <10 m

Grain size (banks and bed): Very coarse: boulders and rocks

Gradient: Steep: 15% (8-21%)

Very variable

Banks:  28° (14°-45°)

<1 g/L

Ten-year daily rainfall: 150 to 189 mm

Sampled stations

  • La Ravine (midstream, upstream)
  • Ziotte (midstream)

species observed

Tree species : Chrysophyllum argenteum, Tabebuia heterophylla*, Ceiba pentandra, Cedrela odorata*, Hymenaea courbaril, Lonchocarpus punctatus*, Garcinia humilis, Myrcia deflexa, Pisonia fragrans, Mangifera indica, Terminalia catappa*, Cocos nucifera

Shrub species Piper dilatatum, Faramea occidentalis

Herbaceous species : Tectaria heracleifolia, Oplismenus hirtellus, Tradescantia spathacea, Oeceoclades maculata

underlined: bioengineering / restoration; in gray: species from degraded environments; *: species from somewhat xerophilic environment

Intact type

Degraded type

Intact profile

Learn more about the watercourses and riparian areas of Guadeloupe